Grade 7th Do the Experimental on "Heat Change the Appearances"

Home / Grade 7th Do the Experimental on "Heat Change the Appearances"

On February 19, 2024, American Intercon School committee at Choam Chao Campus organized the experiment on the topic of “Heat Change the Appearancces” for the 7th graders led by Teacher Vannak Sim, a chemistry teacher. According to this experiment, Teacher mentioned the main points for students to understand the heat can change the appearances such as melt, steam, spilt, enlarge based on the real experiment in science room. Moreover, she showed the material to be experimented such as aluminum plate, alcohol lamp shelf, mesh panel, lighter, and crucible tongs. In addition, Teacher presented detailed lesson theory related experimental process for all students to understand with a good result. After detailed explanation of procedure experiment, he divided students into groups of 4 members. All students cooperated well in experiment practical which guided by her till they succeeded as their expectation.

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Grade 7th Do the Experimental on "Heat Change the Appearances"

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