The school is a community of students

Home / The school is a community of students

We are working to ensure that all students find studying enjoyable as we not only provide them quality education but also educate them to become creative and valuable members of our school, actively participating in their respective communities as well as the country as a whole.

The support of our school community​ ​

At American Intercon School, you and your children are warmly welcomed; our teachers and staff are ready to assist you in any tasks related to your child’s education. Our education is linked with the community. We have a variety of events and activities such as special education programs, competitions, extracurricular, study tours, and cultural and social events.

Our American Intercon School system

There are around 5,000 students studying in our three campuses (Mao Tse Tong, Toul Kork and Chak Angre) annually. With their presences, we have formed a great learning community working closely as a huge family in the county. Moreover, through our annual school events, students from different locations in the capital have chances to get toghetther in an exciting and joyful atmosphere creating a unique learning platform through sharing and exchanging ideas and experiences with each other. It is a ways to understand and learn from one another so as to make a positive impact in their respective communities.

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